Tuesday 30 August 2016

Dogs, do we have dogs!

National Dog Day was last week so I'm a little late, but I really wanted to write about dogs so here we are!

My family likes pets, and dogs in particular. I have two dogs. My sister has two dogs. My niece has one dog. And I'm sure we'll all have more dogs in the future. We had a dog when we were kids. His name was Scamp and he certainly was one. He was part terrier and part chihuahua and he came from the OSCPA. Here's a picture of him:

All photos from the blogger's personal collection

He was cute but very feisty. My mother was bitten a few times. Another dog attacked and killed him while I was walking him which wasn't a lot of fun. It was many years before I got another dog.

As is the norm, my father looked after Scamp the most. However, I don't think he minded. His family had two dogs when he was young so he liked dogs. The first dog they had was named Buster. Love the name, totally a 1930s pet. Here's Buster:

Not sure what breed Buster was but he sure was cute. Maybe Pekinese? Everyone appeared to spend their time picking him up and cuddling him. A good life for a doggie during the depression!

Taken May 8th 1937

My Grandma Gertie with Buster

Where Bill and Gertie went Buster would follow
Not sure when Buster died but by the time my Mom came along after WWII Smokey was now the dog of the house. Smokey was a Cocker Spaniel. Apparently he was cuddly too though he did bite my mother (there's a theme here!). Love these pictures of my Dad with Smokey!

It took my mother several years to recover from Smokey before Scamp came along but she enjoyed having a dog as much as the rest of us.

To finish off I'm going to add a few fabulous pictures of other animals from my collection of vintage family snaps. We like other animals too:

My dad on a pony

A goat pulling a cart!!

Baby piggies!!!

And my great uncle Ernest with a cat!
