Tuesday 26 February 2019

You know you're a boomer when ...

I read a post recently that pointed out that genealogists sometimes forget that they too are part of the family tree and should document their own story as well as their ancestors. So on the occasion of a landmark birthday (and National Retro Day!) here is the story of a baby boomer.

You know you're a boomer when:

1. Your parents brought you home from the hospital in a 1958 pink Chevy. I think this car really epitomizes the 50s. Maybe not as flashy as some of the 50s cars but it was popular at the time. Here's my mom and I heading home for the hospital. 

You can't really see the car too well so here's a screen shot from a film my dad shot in the summer of 59 where you can see the car better.

2. You had special baby dishes. I still have some of the gifts my parents received when I was born. I still love my bunnykins!

3. You had a stay at home mom. My mom stopped working when she had me and chose not to return to the work force once her children were older. Her days were filled with gardening, sewing, cooking and sometimes painting. We were lucky to have the attention. She taught me to read well before I started school and later how to sew, knit and crochet, and to cook as you can see here!

 My first book!

4. You wore cat's eye glasses I was around 7 when I had to get glasses. It was not a happy day. My eyesight is terrible so it was good that I could see but it led to my being bullied through elementary school which was not good. Not cat's eye glasses are considered cool but not in the 60s for a little girl. They were the only choice til later in the 60s when wire rimmed glasses like John Lennon wore became popular. Here's a picture of me on my 8th birthday with the dreaded glasses on with my sister and grandmother

I'd like to point out something else in this picture. My mother painted the beautiful trees and birds on the walls of our kitchen. I wish it was still there.

5. You had original Barbies that your mother made clothes for. 
And here they are!

6. You walked to school on your own. I attended Sharon Public School and walked to it. Times were different when I started school. There was no kindergarten so I started school in Grade 1. The first principal was extremely old fashioned and girls were not permitted to wear pants. My mother was appalled that I was not able to wear pants to keep warm during winter recesses. A trip to the principal was made and the practice was abandoned. A wonderful example of activism for a budding feminist! 

7. You were kept busy with all kinds of activities. I was a Brownie, took swimming and dance lessons. Didn't get too far with Brownies but here I am.

8. You watched the first moon landing on a black and white TV. It was July 20 1969 and I was 10. I got to stay up late and watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I can't remember exactly when we finally got a colour TV but it was a bit later.

9. You had lots of groovy clothes. I loved my platform shoes even though I frequently twisted my ankles falling off them. I also had mini skirts, maxi skirts, hot pants and knickers. My mother sewed me all kinds of beautiful clothes in the latest styles. Later I learned to sew my own clothes.

10. Your first concert was at the CNE Grandstand. The Grandstand is long gone though the CNE is still going strong. My first concert was the Osmonds when I was about 13. Couldn't see very well but it was terribly exciting. I saw a number of other concerts there over the years including my first real "rock" show - Fleetwood Mac. My friend and I missed the last bus to Newmarket from Finch and had to call her Dad to pick us up. I also saw my first Blue Jays game there when major league baseball came to town. Lots of memories.

And finally... you know you're a baby boomer when you celebrate your 60th birthday! Happy birthday to me and all the other boomers out there!