Monday 4 September 2017

Work, work, work...

First post of the year! A little late I know but my full time job has taken up a large part of my time and energy to date. It seems appropriate therefore to write about work on this Labour Day weekend. In particular, the work of my ancestors. I have personal knowledge of what my parents and grandparents did for a living. Through voter lists. census returns and death/marriage certificates I have been able to document how my earlier ancestors earned their keep.

My parents are easy. After graduating from high school my father worked as a sales clerk at Birks Jewelers in Toronto. That experience left him with a love of jewelry that we always appreciated! He completed a degree in Music at the University of Toronto then earned his teaching certificate. He spent many enjoyable years as a high school teacher teaching Music, English and Art. 

Originally he taught vocal music as not all schools could afford the cost of instruments for a full band. 

Teaching vocal music in Uxbridge. From the writer's collection.

Newmarket High School eventually developed an instrumental program. Many of his former students will remember this look!

Mr. Brooks in class. From the writer's collection

As was common at the time my mother stopped working when she had me. Before that time she worked as a bookkeeper for several companies using her excellent math skills. I love this picture of her at work at her first job at Sinnott News in Winnipeg.

Nellie Besler at work. From the writer's collection

Many of my ancestors were farmers as many people were in earlier times. My maternal grandfather Jacob Besler emigrated from Galicia to McNutt Saskatchewan to become a farmer. The Depression was difficult for prairie farmers and Jacob lost the farm. The family later moved to Winnipeg where my grandfather worked for Canadian National Railway. Here is one of the few photographs that we have of the farm.

Jacob Besler in McNutt Saskatchewan, date unknown. From the writer's collection
I know a bit more about my paternal grandparents. My grandfather William Thomas Brooks trained as a stenographer. After serving in World War One he found work with the John Hillock Company, a refrigerator manufacturer in Toronto.

William T. Brooks, from the writer's collection

He worked there for several years until he lost his job in the Depression. After moving around to Brantford and Owen Sound the family returned to Toronto and Bill began working for the East York Fire department. He worked there for many years before retiring.

Member of the fire department, with Gertie in the background, from the writer's collection

This picture makes me smile - the firemen were testing the equipment at the new fire station for an article in the Evening Telegram. Not sure what year this was but my grandfather was the test subject!

Tough day at the office, from the writer's collection

Finally my paternal grandmother Gertrude Kingswell Brooks was also trained as a stenographer. However, she stopped working when she was married in 1921 as was the custom at the time. She eventually did go back to work in the offices of the Toronto Telegram. Here's a picture taken at her retirement party.

Gardening time anyone? From the writer's collection
Retirement sounds good but until then Happy Labour Day everyone!