Monday 18 July 2016

The Matzke's Incredible Journey - Part One

In July 1914, 102 years ago, Franz and Josephine Matzke, along with their three daughters, landed in Quebec City. Franz and Josephine were my great-grandparents and their eldest daughter Jacobena was my grandmother.  This picture of the Matzke family was taken in 1914 in Tulcea Romania.

Caroline, Josephine, Christina, Jacobena and Franz (from the writer's family collection)

The Matzke's incredible journey began in April 1914 when they received their passport from the Romanian government.

From the writer's family collection

All four family members were named on the passport and the document features French and Romanian text. Interesting, I would have thought German would have been the second language.

Somehow, on the verge of World War One the family made their way across Europe to travel to Canada. The current driving distance between Tulcea Romania and Glasgow Scotland is 3513 kilometers. That's quite a distance, particularly in that time period. I presume they took a train, but I can only imagine the hardship of the journey and the length of time the trip took.

To be continued...

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